European Union supports Angolan small and medium sized companies in financial access

According to a press release from the European Union, the project, which will last until 2025, will be led by the National Institute for Support to Small and Medium Enterprises (INAPEM), whose mission is to encourage and expand access for micro, small and medium-sized companies to financial services.


The project provides for the training and capacity building of all involved actors, namely micro, small and medium-sized companies, commercial banks, the judiciary system, among others, through the establishment of a structured public-private dialogue.

"Intended for agents operating in business dynamics, this program aims, on the one hand, to strengthen the capacity of dynamic agents of the economy in the diversification of financial services and the creation of innovative financial instruments and, on the other hand, to increase the improvement of the inclusive use of these more diversified and innovative financial services, with micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, women, youth and rural populations", refers in the note.

The partnership has the technical support of IAPMEI and the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) in the promotion of a set of activities, such as training and awareness actions, development of management support instruments, thematic events aimed at the public and private sectors, awareness campaigns to increase financial literacy, among others.

The document highlights that the private sector and micro, small and medium-sized companies currently face several challenges in the exercise of their activity, including bureaucratic barriers to setting up a business, limited access to finance and credit, insufficient infrastructure, low level of qualification of human resources and difficulties in accessing foreign currency.

The European Union ambassador to Angola, Jeannette Seppen, cited in the note, stressed that the project "is part of the joint effort of the European Union and the Angolan Government to generate jobs and added value for the country, which needs to mobilize all instruments , from human capital to funding sources to boost the business environment in Angola".

Por sua vez, o presidente do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Pedro Dominguinhos, referiu que a instituição que dirige está fortemente empenhada neste projeto, para o qual "espera contribuir para o fortalecimento das competências dos quadros angolanos e para a dinamização da cultura empreendedora e da criação de empresas em Angola".

Já o secretário de Estado-adjunto e da Economia português, João Neves, igualmente citado na nota, destacou a importância do projeto que "trará progressos significativos tanto ao nível da capacitação e cooperação institucional, como ao nível do acesso das micro, pequenas e médias empresas a novos serviços financeiros, mais diversificados, inovadores e inclusivos".

Francisco Sá, presidente da Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação (IAPMEI), considerou o projeto "uma valiosa oportunidade para partilhar experiências e metodologias de trabalho, contribuindo para o enriquecimento institucional do reforço da cooperação entre todos os envolvidos".

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